






The Fifth Annual Conference for the Exchange of Mathematical Ideas

Department of Mathematics, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA


Saturday, June 10, 2017

All talks will be held in  Sabin Hall ‐ Room 2.

Starting time

Title of the talk and presenter

9:15 am

Maureen Clayton  (Associate Dean, CHAS - UNI) 
Opening Remark

9:30 am

Syed Kimani (UNI)     
Log - concave Probability Distributions

10:00 am

Christopher Briggs (ERAU)     
Positive solutions to some systems of Diophantine equations

10:30 am

Break (15 min)

10:45 am

Todd Eisworth (OU)
What can independence proofs do for you?

11:45 am

Conference Lunch

1:00 pm

Travis Peters (ISU)
Team-Based Learning Calculus Instruction

1:30 pm

Theron Hitchman (UNI)
Conway's tangles through weaving

2:00 pm

Break (15 min)

2:15 pm

Tsunekazu Nishinaka (U. Hyogo)
Infinite groups and primitivity of their group algebras

2:45 pm

Brent Solie (ERAU) 
Whitehead's algorithm and the structure of free groups

3:15 pm

Break (15 min)

3:30 pm

Douglas Mupasiri (UNI)
The Weak Topology of a Banach Space has Countable Tightness

4:00 pm

Brandon Meredith (ERAU) 
Mirror Symmetry on Toric Surfaces via Tropical Geometry

4:30 pm

Break (15 min)

4:45 pm

Victor Brunsden (PSU)
Bi-Lipschitz Embeddings, Weak Spherical Compactness and Ultra-Products

7:00 pm

Conference Dinner




Sunday, June 11, 2017     

9:15 am

Bill Wood (UNI)
Inversive Distance Packings


Arthur Draut (ERAU)
On Twin Prime Conjucture

10:15 am

Break (15 min)

10:30 am

Doug Shaw (UNI)
A Non-Imaginary Approach to Complex Numbers

11:00 am

Hisa Tsutsui (ERAU)
Semiprime Semigroup Rings of a Non-Cancellative Semigroups

11:30 am

Break (15 min)

11:45 am

Talitha Washington (Howard Univ.)
Preserving Conservation Laws in the Construction of Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes

12:45 pm

Closing Remark (Mupasiri-Tsutsui)

12:50 pm

Conference Lunch


Last updated on 5/26/2017