






The second Annual Conference for the Exchange of Mathematical Ideas


Department of Mathematics, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA

June 22-23, 2013


Saturday, June 22, 2013

All talks will be held in

Starting time

Title of the talk and presenter

9:00 am

Opening Remark

9:30 am

The Golden Ratio and Viete's Formula  - Michael Prophet  (25 min plus 5 min Q&A)

10:00 am

Contemporary Set Theory - Sheila Miller (50 min plus 5 min Q&A)

10:55 am

Break (15 min)

11:10 am

Graph pebbling and rubbling - Nandor Sieben (25 min plus 5 min Q&A)

11:40 am

Classical Ring Theory - Hisa Tsutsui (25 min plus 5 min Q&A)

12:10 pm

Conference Lunch

1:45 pm

Polynomials on vector lattices and Banach lattices - Gerard Buskes  (50 min plus 5 min Q&A)

2:40 pm

Wright Type Generalized Hypergeometric Functions -  Ajay Shukla (25 min plus 5 min Q&A)

3:10 pm

Break (15 min)

3:25 pm

Generating multiplets of involutions of linear groups over the ring of integers - Ivan Timofeenko (40 min plus 5 min Q&A )

4:10 pm

Blocking Semiovals and their Applications in Cryptography - Keith Mellinger (25 min plus 5 min Q&A )

4:40 pm

An Introduction to Leavitt Path Algebras - Kathi Crow (25 min plus 5 min Q&A )

5:10 pm

Break (10 min)

5:20 pm

Infinite groups and primitivity of their group rings - Tsunekazu Nishinaka(50 min plus 5 min Q&A)

6:15 pm

Grothendieck Principles for the Mackey dual of a Banach space  -  Douglas Mupasiri (25 min plus 5 min Q&A )

7:45 pm

Conference Dinner




Sunday, June 23, 201

Starting time

 Title of the talk and presenter

8:45 am

The Next Prime Number  - Art Draut (25 min plus 5 min Q&A )

9:15 am

The Quest to Understand the Poisson Process: A Personal Odyssey  -  Syed Kirmani (25 min plus 5 min Q&A )

9:45 am

Break (10 min)

9:55 am

Separable polynomials in skew polynomial rings - Satoshi Yamanaka (45 min plus 5 min Q&A)

10:45 am

Preserver problems in linear algebra - Edward Poon  (25 min plus 5 min Q&A )

11:15 am

Break (10 min)

11:25 am

Models of Discrete Conformal Geometry  - Bill Wood  (25 min plus 5 min Q&A )

11:55 pm

Error Correction Codes and Finite Geometries - Tim Alderson (50 min plus 5 min Q&A )

12:50 pm

Closing Remark


Last updated on 5/19/2013